Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Unleashing brain power!

Students were given an opportunity to learn about the brain and how best to use it for improving their learning. Terry Westblade from Live Life Learning led a 'Mind Your Brain' workshop in which students learnt about the different parts of the brain, how to prevent brain injuries, and how learning is based on creating and strengthening neural connections.  Dissecting a sheep's brain demonstrated just how fragile and complicated this vital organ is!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Dance Fever Challenge 2016

Mia Jolic and Xavier Garcia showed off their dancing talent as partners for The Tango. They were awarded second prize at the Inter School Dance Fever Challenge held at Homebush.

Our Year 3-6 participants took out overall second prize for the 'Monster's Inc.' inspired routine. Many thanks to our Dance Fever instructors and choreographers Antonio and Ashleigh, as well as Mr Russo (year 5 teacher) and Mrs Dinale for organising transport and supervision on the night.

For more photos taken on the night, visit our school website.

Year 3 Dance Fever class

Disciples at The Last Supper

Year 3 sang beautifully at the school Easter liturgy held on Holy Thursday. Several boys acted out the Last Supper as Jesus' disciples.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Catholic Schools Week

Parents visited our classroom and learnt to play the 'Trading Game' - a game children use to reinforce concepts of place value and addition. It also enables children to explore how our numerical system is based on ten.

Parents were also treated to as some performances of Roald Dahl's book, The Enormous Crocodile. Students took great delight in creating their own version of the story's ending.